(On: Deliberately violating the right of residence, human right, right of living, and civil right of the demobilized war-invalid widow; making false documents to falsify the truth; force to prison obviously).


Respectfully to:         

                - UỶ BAN NHÂN QUYỀN QUỐC TẾ.

                - UỶ BAN LIÊN HIỆP QUỐC.

                - TOÀ ÁN QUỐC TẾ.

                - CÁC CƠ QUAN NGÔN LUẬN QUỐC TẾ.

                - CÁC CƠ QUAN CHỨC NĂNG.



I am                 : Nguyễn Thị Huần, I am 55 years old.

Hometown      : Vàng Village – Hoàng Đan Commune- Tam Dương Đistrict – Vĩnh Phúc Province.


I make this denunciation application to you (The Party, National Assembly, and Government of The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam) and would like to receive “perspicacious and impartial consideration of the higher court and law” to decide the right culprit and right guilt to secure strictness, justice and publicity. I beg you for considering carefully, getting evidence and information from public and me not from the covetous mandarins who always corrupt and abuse their signatures to harm people and nation.

- Basing on the Article 50, 71, 74, 91, 112 of the Constitution of  The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam dated in 1992 (Supplemented and amended in 2001).

- Basing on the Articles 57 and 96 of the Grievance and Denunciation Law.

- Basing on the articles 124 and 248 of the Criminal Code.


Denouncing some members of Central Communist Party for colluding with others to screen Vinh Phuc’s province’s corruption; they are:




1.      Mrs Nguyễn Thị Hoài Thu – In charge of Public Relation Board of the National Assembly, who screened the inferiors intentionally, the corruption line of Vinh Phuc Province, and abused her power to ban me indirectly from suing (Make the dispatch with slanderous content, which was dated 06 October 1999, No 218/UBTVQH 10).

2.      - Mr Nguyễn Đăng Tư – Civil receiving room No 1 Mai Xuân Thưởng.

      - Mr Nguyễn Như Hải- Civil receiving room No 1 Mai Xuân Thưởng.

Who violated the Law of Complaint and Criminal Law (The Article 132) and made writing order to ban me from suing; made dispatch of notice to send the organizations of the National Assembly, Government and Inspection Organization for not receiving the denouncing application of our mother-and-two-child family (The dispatch was dated 28 January1997, The Notice was numbered 452/TB/TDTƯ dated 16 September, 1999).

3.      Mr Nguyễn Công Sự - Deputy Head of the Governmental Office, who made the false report on our curriculum vitae and denunciation history to submit to the Governmental Office; intentionally made document to screen the corruption line, sent dispatch and instruction to the police to put me in prison ( Reported to the Government’s office on 06 January, 2004).

4.      Mr Dương Ngọc Sơn made the wrong decision (No 138/Cp-XKT dated 24 January, 1997) to change the case situation and force our family to accept the deep ground (2.8 m deep) and promulgate the notice No 16/XKT dated 2 December, 1998 which violated our right of residence, right of living and denunciation right.

5.      Mr Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn – Handle the case, went to the province for investigation and screened, glossed over the cruel mandarins of Vinh Phuc province intentionally.

6.      Mr Mai Quốc B́nh – Government’s Deputy Head of Inspection, who made the wrong dispatch about our CV, denunciation history. The dispatch gave out wrong evidence. Our three mother and children became unhumanly shaped and afflicted (The dispatch No 588/TTCP-TD&XLĐT dated 28 March, 2006).

7.      Mr Nguyễn Kim Châu – Handled the document at No 1 Mai Xuân Thưởng, who colluded with the Vĩnh Phúc province to make false document and stopped me from submitting application to No 1 Mai Xuân Thưởng.



1.      Nguyễn Ngọc Phi – The president of Vĩnh Phúc province, who made false document and report to submit to Government’s office, colluded with some journalists and police to smear our family’s honor and put me in prison.

2.      Trần Ngọc Ái – Vice President of People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc Province, who signed the decision No 2885/QĐ-CT dated 16 September, 2005 to screen legal and law-defying actions of some Hoàng Đan Commune’s local officers (Hoàng Đan commune, Tam Dương District, Vĩnh Phúc Province. He also “sold” his signatures to harm so many residents of Vinh Phuc Province; moreover he earns his live on people’s hardship and effort to buy 05 villas such as issues concerning to false war-invalid certificates, appropriated ground…These followings are officers screened by Mr Trần Ngọc Ái :

+ Mr Nguyễn Văn Nhân – Head Inspector of Vĩnh Phúc province cum head of mission has said: “We can only be able to do that.Whenever Mr Nông Đức Mạnh accept that he was wrong, Vinh Phuc province will accept their fault”. ( They can only able to compensate to Mrs Huần with such a ground like that).

+ Mr Hoàng Văn Quư     : Deputy Head of inspection office of Vĩnh Phúc Province.

+ Mr Lưu Quốc Trung   : Inspector of the province.

+ Mr Phan Xuân Thanh : Deputy Head  of the Police Office of PA39, Vĩnh Phúc’s Province.

+ Mr Phạm Văn B́nh     : Vice President of Tam Dương district.

+ Mr Đỗ Quốc Sáng        : Head of inspection office of Tam Dương district.

+ Mr Nguyễn Văn Lực   : Hoàng Đan commune’s secretary.

+ Mr Đỗ Văn Nguyệt      : Hoàng Đan commune’s President.

3, Mr Mậu - The Hoàng Đan commune’s president in 1993 was one among the ringleaders who abused power to destroy my house, looked down on the child’s human life and made the tragic situation of 18 prison years to our family.


Dear sirs (Members of Central Party, members of Home Affairs Department, members of the 12th National Assembly),

It is a self-contained multi-level system (from the commune level to central level) of some state’s officers. Due to that system our three mother-and-children were at the end of the tether and live with not only material and spiritual maltreatment but also their plot of putting me in the prison with the purpose of canceling us. 

Those mentioned officers screened each other’s illegal action. The system is so steady and systematic that the police uttered that “No lawyer dare to intervene this case”. Therefore, no lawyer and journalist dare to help us. I respectfully make this denunciation letter again and hope for settlement from the competent leaders so that we could gather warmly in our own house. My children have been on the tramp and lived in every nook and cranny for the last 18 years without human right.



* The first case:

On 16 August, 1989, I (It is me, Huần) was a demobilized war-invalid (I had been in the army service for nearly 20 years) and hired a building plot of 50 m2 from Hoàng Đan commune, which is next to the three-way crossroad Chợ Vàng (Next to Mrs Huỳnh’s house). I constructed a tile-roofed house on this ground ( Under the approval of the Commune’s authority: The commune’s president, Mr Mậu; Deputy president of the commune, Mr Sâm; The commune’s police, Mr Th́n; The commune’s land surveyor, Mr Đĩnh) and paid fully land tax to the commune annually. 

Handing over authority of processing the ground needs only my population passing from my place of work to the commune. I resigned in my place of work to move to Hoàng Đan commune in 1990. I applied for processing the ground as the proposal of the commune when they gave ground to me before. But they said that we should not be hurried.

Because that we had no land for planting, so used to went a far to earn our life and be out. The Hoàng Đan took advantage of that opportunity to damage the living place of our mother and two children arbitrarily regardless of the law without any official record or notice in advance. They damaged without any record and then sold the ground to the street-lottery seller (Chủ đề), Mr Vượng. Basing on that evidence, the Tam Dương district police and some Hoàng Đan commune’s officers had violated Article 137 + 135+ 136 of the Criminal Law, on the living place.

* The second case: In 1994, the commune’s committee sold hundreds of land plots which were along the street and those of agricultural land and Uncle Hồ’s fishpond. The price of the land plot in Định Chung is 1,600,000 VND (One million six hundred thousand VND). As I have no ground and house I applied to buy one plot of 115 m2 and have paid 1,000,000 VND (One million VND sharp). The commune’s officers agreed and there only 600,000 VND left in debt with the commune. I planned to borrow that balance amount to pay to the commune just after they handed over the ground to me but they didn’t hand over the ground to me or invite me to handle the mentioned issue, either. Not until 1998, had I applied to the Center when I received the ground but it was not at the correct location. This is Mr Nông Đức Mạnh’s speech : ‘ You go back hone to get the ground according to the map and your pledge’. But the commune’s officers not only handed over the deficient ground to me but also pushed me to pay more additional 800,000 VND (Eight million VND sharp), therefore I didn’t get the ground (They pushed me to pay with the increasing price of the 1998 for the ground).

I asked myself that was it a defraudation or a private revenge to our mother- and -children. Because that when Mr Đĩnh collected the money he violated seriously the Financial Law. I had bought the ground with my genuine cash when I gave me the false receipt slip, the butchering receipt instead of financial receipt. Had Mr Đĩnh made the false documents to possess the public property as my money or the Hoàng Đan commune’s committee screened Mr Đĩnh intentionally for his illegal action as defrauding one woman demobilized war-invalid like me ?

The location of the land plot that was compensated me is not correct comparing to the map and report to Mr Nông Đức Mạnh – Is it a way to play a nasty trick on the party? They had reported this way but they did another. With that evidence, the Hoàng Đan, the district and the Vinh Phuc province had cheated the people and party obviously and intentionally and violated the law seriously: Made false documents, broke the living rights and the residence right of the people.

When I made the application to denounce violations of Hoàng Đan commune’s officers, the official staffs of the district and the province, I not only received the erroneous answers but also was revenged savagely with the law of the jungle. I was pushed into prison to leave behind two lonely children.

Now I keep on denouncing illegal actions of some powerful officers, who prevaricated and screened intentionally the inferiors and gave false reports, and would the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Governmental Office, Anti-corruption Board, and Civilly Authorized Organizations to consider and judge. If I give wrong denunciation, I will be responsible for my action before the court of Viet Nam. If my denunciation is true, the mentioned officers, who made the tragic situation to our three mother and children during the last 18 years must be convicted just in accordance to the law and my original house, ground, honor and justice must be returned to us.



The first: The action of damaging other person’s house without the owner’s appearance and official record; not judgment according to the law.

- The Article 73 of the Vietnam’s Constitution says: “The people have the right of imprescriptible residence”. The Article 8 and the Article 42 in the Criminal Law also say so. I am a citizen of Viet Nam as regulated in the Article 49 of the constitution, so, why I am not entitled to those regulations in the Articles of the mentioned law and constitution.

- Some officers of the commune and district, who abused their power to damage our house illegally as mentioned in the Article 142 of the Criminal Law, must be convicted legally.

The second:   The action of revoking and handing over the possession right of ground legally to the other, screening the Hoàng Đan’s law breakers.

This was done to gloss over the action of damaging my house and revoking ground to sell to the street-lottery owner, Mr Vượng. I don’t know how they could investigate and confirm in such way, whereas there were answers in the dispatches of the province and the center said clearly: “The commune cleared the ground on not only your house but also on other 23 houses”. This is the way to equate to parry their responsibility as there are 23 tents which were outwards constructed to the road to sell general things and among them there was my house; I dismounted my house’s eaves, its body didn’t effect anything at all to the area. There was no house being cleared at the street, including mine. The documents said my house was on the road-bed is absolutely incorrect. I am sure that the house’s ground that had been damaged on 10 November, 1993 is Mr Sơn’s current house’s foundation (Mr Vượng sold it to Mr Sơn). Mr Vượng got even 5 land plots whereas I had only one but it was even robbed. Is it true that Mr Vượng, the street-lottery owner, with much money and property is entitled to protecting (As the criminal world), therefore he was not afraid of anybody and the law. Is it true that he was screened so he could hold gambling publicly in the commune and village?

Dear sirs! Please judge the action of Hoàng Đan commune’s officers as screening Mr Vượng (Which violates the Article 248)

The third: Made so many illegal decision such as the decision No 138/QĐ-XKT or the decision No 2885QĐ-CT…and then forced me to accept these decision by force such as putting me in the prison, racking, forcing me to sign by pressing my finger-print in stead of signature whereas I can write.

Since the Decision No 138/QĐ-XKT was signed by Mr Dương Ngọc Sơn, the Deputy Head of  General Inspector, my grievance decision was invaded seriously; we (Me and two children) sent the dispatch to organizations, but it was not accepted and we were beat and persecuted publicly anytime by the police and even the hooligans. We were even put in prison so many times without any reason and one time for 7 months ( I was arrested on 16 Jul, 2003).

The Decision No 2885/QĐ-CT of the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc Province signed by Mr Nguyễn Ngọc Ái, the Vice Provincial President, who involved in the gambling on the Tet Holiday of 2007, humanly gave us the hole to self-burry together. This hole is long and 3 meters (three meters) deeper than the ground surface.



·  Basing on the regulations, Articles about ground, Article about complaint and grievance right, Article about right of denunciation of the Viet Nam’s government.

·   They have to return us the two land plot those were result of working hard with all of my effort.

·   They have to return me the mission record which was made by me as devoting my life to the nation during the last 20 years. They cheated me to retire as 176 regimes (Cheated me to go to the farm to catch 120 of pig)

·   They have to return me the sick solder manual (As they put me in prison and kept my manual).

·   They have to give compensation to me for honor, lost spirit, physical torture and persecution, damage of property as being put in prison without any acceptable reasons, which happened during the last 18 years.


Dear sirs, If the Vinh Phuc Province doesn’t judge my case in accordance to the law and constitution, I would like you to send urgent dispatch and decision to the competent organizations to judge my family’s case in the criminal course publicly under the surveillance of the people. The judgment must be fair and my lawyers must be protected.



                                                                                       Ha Noi,the date 09 of Agust, 2009






                                                                                                           Nguyễn Thị Huần